The meeting took place in meeting room of Nature Conservation Agency (P. L. A. Jeseníky). Topics concerning nature conservation in the region of interest were presented and discussed. Karel Matějka, a partner in project Silviculture measures to improve forest biodiversity in protected areas presented the main topic Phenotype classification of spruce, modelling climate-vegetation zones and non-standard forestry management in protected areas to protect biodiversity summarizing the main project results.
Place: Nad Královnou - Hotel & Restaurant, Nad Kamínkou 1526, Praha - Zbraslav
The workshop was divided into two sessions. The first session included the main research studies being conducted in connection with the project on the particular study sites. In the second session, the main publication - Catalogue of Silviculture measures to improve forest biodiversity in protected areas was presented. Finally, the particular topics were discussed. Totally 39 people attended the workshop. The attendees were nature conservationists, university teachers, forestry practitioners etc.
The experts arrived on 9th August and departed on 13th August. Between these dates the experts attended a workshop (11th) and excursions (10th and 12th) in cooperation with NIBIO (Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, formers Skog og Landskap), Bergen. Excursions took place around Bergen and Voss to see sites for monitoring biodiversity.
The trail passes through the NM Sítovka focusing on dead wood topic. The wood debris is a common term for wood of dead trees including various stages of decomposition. Dying and dead trees, both standing and lying, are important components of forest ecosystems having an irreplaceable role in nutrient cycling, energy fluxes and maintenance of both production and species diversity. They provide animals and plants with shelter and forage. The nutrients bound in wood are released again during decomposition. There are educational boards installed to provide visitors information on species being dependent on wood debris including the other species and forest structure of the NM Sítovka. The new nature trail was built as a part of project Silvicultural measures to increase forest biodiversity in protected areas.
Forestry and Game Management Research Institute, Opočno Research Station organized an opening workshop to project Silvicultural measures to increase forest biodiversity in protected areas. The workshop was divided into two sessions. There were presented objectives and methods of the project. Both Czech (K. Matějka) and Norwegian (I. Gjerde) partners presented in this session. The second session included excursion to Mochov (estate of Kristina Colloredo-Mansfeld) and Sítovka (Municipal Forests of Hradec Králové) sites.